Rectangle Cut Optimizer

developed by Optalog
Length (mm) Width (mm) Quantity Label
Length (mm) Width (mm) Quantity Label


Interpart Gap
Shear mode
Shear Gap

Overall statistics

Fill-ratio{{ (fillRatio * 100).toFixed(2) }}%
Number of nestings{{ nbNestings }}
Number of plates{{ nbSheets }}
Number of nested parts {{ nbNestedParts }} / {{ overallPartQuantity }}

Nesting statistics

Nesting number {{ currentNesting + 1 }} / {{ nbNestings }}
Multiplicity {{ currentNestingMultiplicity }}
Plate's label {{ currentNestingSheetLabel }}
Number of nested parts {{ currentNestingNbNestedParts }}
{{ rect.label }}


This service is a simple rectangle-cut optimizer. It is based on Optalog's nesting technology and its NestAPI service, which provides a straightforward REST API for nesting rectangles and irregular shapes. Optalog also offers a library that can be embedded in your on-premises software or on your servers.

This demonstrator is very simple and based on the Vue.js framework for the front-end and Python Flask for the server which is calling NestAPI service. If you want to develop your own web application, we can also provide you with support and technological advice for doing so.


  • First, you have to describe the list of parts you would like to cut or nest. For each part, you have to provide its length, its width, and the quantity you would like to nest. You can also provide a label. For conveninence, you can also export and import parts as CSV file.
  • Second, you have to describe the plates in which you would like to nest your parts and provide their length and width, and an optional label.
  • Finally, you have to describe the gap between parts, the shear mode, and then click on the Run nesting button.
    You will obtain intermediate results and a final solution in a few seconds. You can navigate the nesting results by clicking on the navigation buttons.
    If you are satisfied you can click the Export DXF files button to generate a zip file containing all your dxf files in order to import them into your CAM software.

Want to use a commercial application with support, include our nesting technology in your on-premise software or in your new web application ? Send us email